
Conceptions in England and Wales: 2021
What's in the bulletin?
- In 2021, there were 824,983 conceptions for women of all ages in England and Wales, this is the first increase in the last six years.
- Women aged 30 to 34 years had the highest number and conception rate for the fifth year in a row and the lowest percentage of conceptions leading to abortion.
- The conception rate for women aged under 18 years in England and Wales has more than halved since 2011 when it was 30.9 conceptions per 1,000 women of the same age; in 2021 it was 13.2 per 1,000 women of the same age.

Childbearing for women born in different years, England and Wales: 2021 and 2022
What's in the bulletin?
- Women in England and Wales who were born in 1977 have an average completed family size of 1.94 children (before the age of 46 years); this is the highest average since those born in 1962, but a lower average compared with 2.07 children for their mothers' generation (assumed to be those born in 1950).
- Of women born in 1977, 16% had not had a child before the age of 46 years; this is lower than the levels seen for those born in the 1960s, although still higher than their mother’s generation (14%).
- Two-child families remain the most common family size (38%), however this is a decrease in the proportion of those having two children, when compared with their mothers' generation (44%).
Births in England and Wales
Live births, stillbirths and the intensity of childbearing, measured by the total fertility rate.
Datasets related to Conception and fertility rates
Quarterly conceptions to women aged under 18 years, England and Wales
Quarterly statistics on conceptions to women aged under 18 years resident in England and Wales; numbers and rates are by regions and other local authority areas.
Conceptions in England and Wales
Annual statistics on conceptions to residents of England and Wales – numbers and rates by age group including women aged under 18 years, inside and outside marriage or civil partnership, and area of usual residence.
Childbearing for women born in different years
Annual analysis of fertility by cohort for women born in England and Wales. Cohort fertility analysis allows the fertility experience of a group of women sharing the same birth year (a “cohort”) to be traced through time and compared with other cohorts.
Conceptions in England and Wales
Annual statistics on conceptions to residents of England and Wales – numbers and rates by age group including women aged under 18 years, inside and outside marriage or civil partnership, and area of usual residence.
Publications related to Conception and fertility rates
Statistical bulletins
Conceptions in England and Wales: 2021
Annual statistics on conceptions to residents of England and Wales, with numbers and rates by age group including women aged under 18 years.
Birth characteristics in England and Wales: 2022
Annual live births in England and Wales by sex, birthweight, gestational age, ethnicity and month, maternities by place of birth and with multiple births, and stillbirths by age of parents and calendar quarter.
Childbearing for women born in different years, England and Wales: 2021 and 2022
The changing composition of families over time, comparing the fertility of women of the same age and the number of children they have had.
Births by parents’ country of birth, England and Wales: 2023
Annual statistics on live births including countries of birth for non-UK-born mothers and fathers.
Births in England and Wales: 2023
Annual live births, stillbirths, maternities, and fertility rates in England and Wales by factors including parent age, ethnicity, deprivation, gestational age, and birthweight.
Childbearing by socio-economic status and country of birth of mother
This article explores the relationship between the socio-economic status of women and their fertility and, in particular, examines how this differs for UK born women compared with non-UK born women. How is a woman’s socio-economic status associated with her childbearing outcomes?
Methodology related to Conception and fertility rates
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