Our Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) products are used by a growing number and variety of public and private sector customers.

National Statistics UPRN Lookup (NSUL)

If you are a producer of National Statistics, you can use the NSUL to allocate your source statistics at address level to a wide range of higher geographies in conjunction with Ordnance Survey's AddressBase® product. The NSUL allocates each current GB address to an Output Area (OA) using the UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) and point-in-polygon methodology. These OAs are then referenced to a wide range of higher statistical geographies (for example, local authority districts) by a best-fit methodology that uses Census population data, in the same way as the NSPL.

This product supports the Geography Policy for National Statistics.

Product details and availability

The National Statistics UPRN Lookup (NSUL) is available with Great Britain coverage.

We release the NSUL every six weeks and you can download it, from the Open Geography portal.

Please see the licensing details.

We provide the NSUL in CSV format (variable record length with data items delimited by commas and qualified with double quotes, with field headings) only. We also include a user guide, providing comprehensive information about the product and any changes, with the data.

ONS UPRN Directory (ONSUD)

The ONSUD, like the ONS Postcode Directory (ONSPD), allocates addresses directly to a range of administrative, health, and other geographies using the grid reference of the UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) and point-in-polygon methodology. You can use the ONSUD to accurately allocate your address-level source data to these higher geographies in conjunction with Ordnance Survey's AddressBase® product.

Product details and availability

The ONSUD is available with Great Britain coverage.

We release the ONSUD every six weeks and you can download it from the Open Geography portal.

Please see the licensing details.

We provide the ONSUD in CSV format only. CSV files can be read in MS Excel and all common database applications. We also include a user guide, providing comprehensive information about the product and any changes, with the data.