All data related to Employee earnings in the UK: 2023
Measures of employee earnings, using data from the Annual Survey for Hours and Earnings (ASHE).
New Earnings Survey (NES) and Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) percentile and median time series by full-time employees, full-time males and full-time females.
Estimates of paid hours worked, weekly, hourly and annual earnings for the highest paid (90 to 99 percentiles) employee jobs in the UK, by public and private sectors.
Annual gender pay gap estimates for UK employees by age, occupation, industry, full-time and part-time, region and other geographies, and public and private sector. Compiled from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings.
Number of UK jobs paid below minimum wage by sex, age, occupation and industry, and region, annual estimates, 1998 to 2023. Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings.
Estimates of the number and proportion of UK employee jobs with hourly pay below the living wage, by region, work geography, local authority and Parliamentary constituency, as defined by the Living Wage Foundation.