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  • UK House Price Index: monthly price statistics

    Dataset | Released on 17 July 2024

    Summary of UK House Price Index (HPI) price statistics covering England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Full UK HPI data is available on GOV.UK.

    Keywords: dwellings, inflation, property, home, first time buyers

  • Producer price inflation time series (MM22)

    Dataset | Dataset ID: MM22 | Released on 17 July 2024

    Producer Price Indices (PPIs) are a series of economic indicators that measure the price movement of goods bought and sold by UK manufacturers.

    Keywords: PPI, manufacturing, output prices, input prices, producer prices

  • Services producer price inflation (SPPI) revisions triangle

    Dataset | Released on 17 July 2024

    Revisions triangle (quarterly and annual) for aggregate gross sector services producer price inflation (SPPI) for selected UK services sectors.

    Keywords: SPPI, services producer price indices, services prices, service sector

  • Producer price inflation revision triangle: total output one month (GB7S)

    Dataset | Released on 17 July 2024

    Revisions made to the UK producer price total output; one-month data starting in November 2020.

    Keywords: manufacturing, input prices, output prices, producer prices

  • Consumer price inflation detailed briefing note

    Dataset | Released on 17 July 2024

    The consumer price inflation detailed briefing note contains details of the items contributing to the changes in the CPIH (and RPI), details of any notable movements, a summary of the reconciliation of CPIH and RPI, and the outlook, which looks ahead to next month’s release.

    Keywords: Economy, weights, retail, index, indicies

  • Contributions to the 12-month rate of CPI(H) by import intensity

    Dataset | Released on 17 July 2024

    A longer time series of contributions to the Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH) and Consumer Prices Index (CPI), UK, monthly.

    Keywords: CPIH, import, intensity, economic, analysis

  • Price Index of Private Rents, UK: monthly price statistics

    Dataset | Released on 17 July 2024

    Private rent price statistics, including indices, annual percentage change and price levels.

    Keywords: private renting, regions, rent, inflation

  • Public service productivity, quarterly, UK

    Dataset | Released on 15 July 2024

    UK public service productivity for October to December 2023. Includes estimates of inputs, output, productivity and revisions. These are official statistics in development.

    Keywords: services, non-market output, growth, efficiency, public sector

  • Monthly GDP low level industry data

    Dataset | Released on 12 July 2024

    Monthly chained volume measures of gross value added (GVA) by industry.
  • Consumer-facing services

    Dataset | Released on 11 July 2024

    Monthly gross value added chained volume indices of the service sector, consumer-facing services, non-consumer-facing services and all industries classified as consumer-facing, UK.

    Keywords: index of services, retail, food, beverage, accommodation