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  • Release date:
    26 June 2018
  • Next release:
    To be announced

About this Dataset

Revised and previous estimates for the other mining and quarrying sector for 2008 to 2016 following a methodological change from the Annual Minerals Raised Inquiry to the Prodcom survey.

Edition in this dataset

2008 to 2016 edition of this dataset

Important notes and usage information

Suppression of data:

Statistical disclosure control methodology is applied to PRODCOM data. This ensures that information attributable to an individual or individual organisation is not identifiable in any published outputs. The Code of Practice for Official Statistics, and specifically the Principle on Confidentiality (P.C) set out practices for how ONS protects data from being disclosed. The P.C includes the statement that ONS outputs should “ensure that official statistics do not reveal the identity of an individual or organisation, or any private information relating to them, taking into account other relevant sources of information”. More information can be found in National Statistician’s Guidance: Confidentiality of Official Statistics, on the statistical disclosure control methodology page of the ONS website, and also in the PRODCOM technical report above.

Contact details for this dataset

Jon Gough
+44 (0)1633 456720