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Published after For example, 29 4 2016
Published before For example, 29 4 2016
  • Exporters and importers by industry breakdown (Annual Business Survey)

    Dataset | Released on 1 July 2024

    Exporters and importers of goods and services in Great Britain by industry, section and division.

    Keywords: export, import, ABS

  • Annual Business Survey exporters and importers

    Dataset | Released on 1 July 2024

    Exporters and importers of goods and services in Great Britain by employment size and turnover size.
  • Exporters and importers by regional breakdown (Annual Business Survey)

    Dataset | Released on 1 July 2024

    Exporters and importers of goods and services in Great Britain by region.

    Keywords: export, import, regional, ABS

  • Non-financial business economy, regional results: quality measures

    Dataset | Released on 24 June 2024

    Annual data on quality measures for business turnover, approximate gross value added (aGVA), purchases and employment costs, from the Annual Business Survey.

    Keywords: agva, services, manufacturing, approximate gross value added, materials

  • Non-financial business economy, regional results: revisions and change on previous year

    Dataset | Released on 24 June 2024

    Annual revisions and year-on-year changes to business turnover, approximate gross value added (aGVA) and purchases, from the Annual Business Survey. Standard Industrial Classification 2007 broad industry group by region or country.

    Keywords: agva, services, manufacturing, approximate gross value added, materials

  • Non-financial business economy, regional results: Sections A to S

    Dataset | Released on 24 June 2024

    Annual data on business turnover, approximate gross value added (aGVA), purchases and employment costs, from the Annual Business Survey. Two-digit Standard Industrial Classification 2007 group by region or country.

    Keywords: agva, manufacturing, approximate gross value added, services, materials

  • Non-financial business economy, UK: Sections A to S

    Dataset | Released on 8 April 2024

    Size and growth within UK non-financial business sectors, as measured by the Annual Business Survey, by four-digit Standard Industrial Classification 2007.

    Keywords: abs, purchases, services, approximate gross value added, turnover, manufacturing

  • Non-financial business economy, UK: retail commodities

    Dataset | Released on 8 April 2024

    Annual retail business turnover, retail turnover and commodities, from the Annual Business Survey. Three-digit Standard Industrial Classification 2007 group.

    Keywords: distribution, retail trade, retail sales, store type

  • Non-financial business economy, UK: quality measures

    Dataset | Released on 8 April 2024

    Quality measures for annual data on size and growth within the UK non-financial business sectors, as measured by the Annual Business Survey.

    Keywords: abs, turnover, purchases, services, approximate gross value added, manufacturing

  • Non-financial business economy, UK: changes year on year

    Dataset | Released on 8 April 2024

    Annual revisions and year-on-year changes to business turnover, approximate gross value added (aGVA) and purchases within the UK non-financial business sectors as measured by the Annual Business Survey; Standard Industrial Classification 2007 by broad industry group.

    Keywords: abs, turnover, purchases, services, manufacturing, approximate gross value added