All methodology

  • Small Area Population Estimates in the transformed population estimation system: methods development

    Methodology | Released on 7 December 2023

    A working paper that explores different methodological options for Small Area Population Estimates in the transformed population estimation system

    Keywords: SAPE, ratio change, benchmarking, transformed system, geospatial modelling

  • User guide to Census 2021 Origin-destination data, England and Wales

    Methodology | Released on 1 December 2023

    Supporting information for origin-destination data from Census 2021 in England and Wales, including how to access and use public, safeguarded and secure datasets.

    Keywords: origin-destination, flow data, migration, commuting

  • Unexplained deaths in infancy: England and Wales QMI

    Methodology | Released on 29 November 2023

    Quality and Methodology Information for Unexplained deaths in infancy: England and Wales, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used and data uses and users.

    Keywords: cot death, unascertained deaths, sudden infant deaths, , SUDI, SIDS

  • Domestic abuse QMI

    Methodology | Released on 24 November 2023

    Quality and Methodology Information for domestic abuse detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used and data uses and users.

    Keywords: data, comparisons, information, characteristics, accuracy

  • Quality and methodology information (QMI) for Census 2021

    Methodology | Released on 23 November 2023

    Details the strengths, limitations, uses, users and methods used for Census 2021, England and Wales.

    Keywords: population, data collection, , data collection, response rate, quality assurance, accuracy

  • Population estimates for England and Wales, mid-2022: methods guide

    Methodology | Released on 23 November 2023

    Methodology guidance on national and subnational mid-year population estimates for England and Wales, which are broken down by administrative area, age, sex and components of population change.

    Keywords: Methodology, population estimates, England, Wales

  • Understanding international migration statistics

    Methodology | Released on 23 November 2023

    This article brings together important information to inform users and explain any misunderstandings around our migration statistics.

    Keywords: immigration, nationality, reasons for migration, data sources, estimates

  • Methods to produce provisional long-term international migration estimates

    Methodology | Released on 23 November 2023

    An explanation of the methods used to produce the latest provisional statistics on migration flows into and out of the UK.

    Keywords: methods, experimental, provisional, international, migration

  • Population statistics and sources guide

    Methodology | Released on 17 November 2023

    A comparison of the different types of population estimate that are published on the ONS website or planned for future publication. Includes information about whether these are official estimates of the population or used only for wider research, as well as the sources, coverage and main uses and comparability issues for the estimate.

    Keywords: census 2021, population statistics transformation

  • Long-term international migration: quality assuring administrative data

    Methodology | Released on 16 November 2023

    Administrative data sources and quality assurance in the production of admin-based long-term international migration estimates published in bi-annual releases.

    Keywords: admin data, quality assure, migrant, overseas, LTIM