You asked
I am looking for your most up-to-date figure for the number of EU citizens in London excluding those with British, Irish, Maltese, Cypriot nationality.
We said
Thank you for your request.
Our migration statistics data provide the population of the UK by country of birth and nationality and include an estimate of the EU nationals (excluding the British) living in London for the year January 2018 to December 2018 (see table 2.1, row 231 for London and column K for EU nationals). This estimate is 1,103,000.
Individual country data can be used to discover the number of nationals from Cyprus, Malta and the Republic of Ireland; respectively 6,000, 1,000 and 103,000 (see table C, row 229 for London and column CI and table D, row 229 for London and columns AC and BY).
This results in an estimate of 993,000 EU nationals excluding British, Cyprus, Malta and Republic of Ireland nationals, residing in London from January 2018 to December 2018.
Please note, that these tables are based on Annual Population Survey (APS) in which country of birth and nationality data are given.
Nationality is often used interchangeably with citizenship, and some datasets refer to ‘nationals’ of a country rather than ‘citizens’. Different datasets have different ways of establishing someone’s nationality. The Annual Population Survey, which underlies the population estimates by nationality, simply asks people ‘what is your nationality?’ However, the International Passenger Survey, National Insurance Number and entry clearance visa data are based on people’s passports. For asylum statistics the nationality is as stated on the ‘Case Information Database’. This will usually be based on documentary evidence but sometimes asylum seekers arrive in the UK without any such documentation.
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