FOI Ref: FOI/2022/4472

You asked

​I am interested in hate crime under-reporting across the 44 police forces in England and Wales in all its strands and between different ethnic groups.

Therefore, I would need separate sets of data for each strand of hate crime, please.

I would need the number of racially motivated hate crimes in England and Wales that are recorded by the police as well as the number of the same strand of hate crime reflected in the CSEW.

I know that the hate crime rates reflected in the CSEW are combined data of up to three years. Therefore, please provide the police recorded data for the same period only. However, as I am unsure of the first date from which forward both the police and CSEW have collected ethnic group information of the victim/witness, I would only ask for the latest 3 to 10 years of available data.

Please also provide similar data sets for the other four strands of hate crime in separate tables.

It would be good to have the data in different tables, such as the one below, each dedicated to one of the strands of hate crime.

We said

Thank you for your request.

We are responsible for publishing statistics from the Crime Survey in England and Wales (CSEW). However, the Home Office produce an annual publication titled 'Hate Crime, England and Wales'. Our most recent CSEW estimates of hate crimes by strand can be found in Tables 7, 8 and 9 of the Hate crime, England and Wales, 2019 to 2020: appendix tables from the combined years of '2007/08 and 2008/09' to '2017/18 to 2019/20'. Tables 15 and 16 include a breakdown by characteristics, including ethnicity, for the same period.

These breakdowns are only provided by religion and racially motivated strands of hate crime due to small sample sizes. We have not created analysis showing disaggregated data from the CSEW by police force area, as the sample sizes are too small to produce reliable estimates. As this breakdown would require the creation of new information involving a high level of statistical skill and judgement, this information is not held for the purposes of FOI.

The latest 2020 to 2021 release does not include CSEW estimates due to the suspension of the face-to-face CSEW in March 2020. For more information on the suspension of the CSEW, please see our User guide to crime statistics for England and Wales: March 2020.

Within the same Hate Crime, England and Wales releases, the Home Office publish the number of hate crimes recorded by the police in England and Wales, by monitored strand, 2011/12 to 2020/21 in Bulletin Table 2a of the Hate crime, England and Wales, 2020 to 2021: data tables. Table 1 within the Hate crime, England and Wales, 2020 to 2021: appendix tables show the number of hate crimes recorded by the police in England and Wales by Police Force Area in 2020/21. However, neither of these tables disaggregate by ethnicity. The Home Office hold police recorded crime data and can be contacted at

If you have any other crime-related queries, you can email and we will endeavour to help.