FOI REF: FOI-2023-1297

You asked

Please could you provide me with latest official age demographic figures for Nigerians living in the UK?

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. 

2021 Census data is the latest we have available from the Create a custom dataset - Office for National Statistics (  

The dataset Population by Country of birth and age of arrival in the UK can be used to look at Nigerian-born individuals by their age of arrival in the UK. We have created created a subset of this for giving the age breakdown of people living in the UK whose country of birth was Nigeria which is available to view in the associated download 'population by country of birth and age of arrival in the UK - Nigeria

Our current census releases do not cover second generation migration (under any definition), but this is a topic of interest that may be covered in future analysis. We haven't got any data available specifically about UK-born individuals with parents from specific countries of origin. 

If you need anything further, please do not hesitate to email us at