You asked

Is it possible to please receive a breakdown by local authority area of the number of people aged 60 and over who are:

  • in full-time employment

  • in part-time employment

  • self-employed

If possible, please can these be banded by age (eg 60-65, 65-70, 70-75, 75+).

We said

Thank you for your query regarding employment statistics.

Estimates of the number of people in employment by various characteristics are available from the Annual Population Survey (APS).

We produce statistics of employment by age group, full-time, part-time and self-employed at a regional level. However, we do not routinely produce statistics from the APS that combine all those elements at a local authority level, due to small sample sizes. For local authorities we are only able to produce much less detailed breakdowns.

For regions we produce an explorable dataset on our Nomis ( website, which allows you to extract information by employment status and age group. You will need to make the selections you require from the dataset, but then can extract the requested information in spreadsheet format.

The detailed information at a regional level can be found here:

Some information at a local authority level can be found here, but it doesn't include the level of detail you are requesting:

We have a request service that would allow you to request specific breakdowns that we do not routinely publish; however, due to small sample sizes this would be unlikely to give you much usable information.