FOI reference: FOI-2024-1803

You asked

I would like to obtain specific details regarding the logging and monitoring tools in use, including but not limited to Elasticsearch, Splunk, Datadog. Please provide:

Total Expenditure: Please disclose the total expenditure incurred by the ONS for licensing, maintenance, and support fees related to these tools for the current & previous fiscal year.

Licensing Costs: Please provide a breakdown of the licensing costs paid by the ONS for these tools for the current & previous fiscal year. This breakdown should include the individual costs associated with each tool.

Maintenance and Support Costs: Please provide a breakdown of the maintenance and support costs paid by the ONS for these tools for the current & previous fiscal year. This breakdown should clearly specify the individual costs associated with each tool.

Contracts and Suppliers: Please disclose the names of the contractors or suppliers with whom the ONS has engaged for the licensing, maintenance, and support services related to log aggregation and other observability tools. Additionally, if applicable, please provide the contract start and end dates for each supplier.

IT Tooling:

  • Which tooling is currently in place to monitor the performance of IT infrastructure & applications?
  • Who is responsible for IT tooling & solutions at the ONS?

We said

Thank you for your request. 

Please refer to the associated download which provides the information requested. 

Where we have stated a value is 'unknown', this is information not held by our organisation. 

Personal data of staff members is exempt under s.40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). ONS has a dedicated Commercial Services team, which is responsible for Procurement, Contract Management and Commercial Intelligence.

If you are interested in becoming an ONS supplier, or bidding for an ongoing Procurement, please register your details at our portal.

Alternatively please email us at

All contracts over £10,000 will be added to Contracts Finder, as mandated by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.