FOI Reference: FOI/2022/4371

You asked

Please provide:

  1. Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates of people aged 65 to 69, 70 to 74, and 75 years old and over living alone by sex and region in the UK, 2000 to 2022.

  2. Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates of multigenerational households - with 2 or more generations of the same family living under the same roof, by age groups and region in UK, 2000- 2022.

We said

Thank you for your request.

Regarding your first request, LFS estimates of people aged 65 to 69, 70 to 74, and 75 years old and over living alone by sex and region in the UK from 2000 to 2021 is available to order via our bespoke analysis services. These are subject to legal frameworks, disclosure controls, resources and agreement of costs. If you would like to request this dataset, please to discuss your enquiry further. Please note, there would be a charge for this work in line with our charging policy. Please note that we are not yet able to provide estimates for 2022.

You may also find the following publication useful, as it provides similar information to that requested: the number of people living alone aged 65 years and older by age group and sex in the UK from 1996 to 2019.

In reference to your second query, we have previously published the following analysis related to your request, which provides estimates of the number of households by the mix of age groups of the people living in those households for the UK, countries of the UK and English regions for 2019 only:

Unfortunately, the specific requested information regarding multi-generational households is not held, as this would need to be created as new information. This would involve the exercise of statistical judgement to determine how we would characterise 'multi-generational households', as well as the application of statistical skill to create the dataset. Public authorities are not obliged to create new information in response to FOI requests. However, we may be able to produce this, or something similar, for you as bespoke analysis via our bespoke services. However, please note that this has been estimated to be a very time-consuming piece of work, so will incur a charge in line with our charging policy. The production of this information would also be subject to disclosure controls and staff resources.

If you would like to discuss the provision of this dataset, or something similar, please get in touch with our Stakeholder Engagement Team via email at

When accessing any of our files, please read the 'notes, terms and conditions' contained within them.

Should you require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact directly at