FOI reference: FOI-2024-2427
You asked
I need some data about the Kurdish population in your country. How many Kurdish people live there and what is the rate of gender?
We said
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please find attached Census 2021 small population dataset SP105 - Kurdish which provides data for Kurdish ethnic group by sex by five-year age bands.
Small population tables provide census data for usual residents in specific small population groups. For example, usual residents who identified with a particular ethnic group, religion or national identity or usual residents who had a particular country of birth or main language. Due to the small size of the total population in the groups, confidentiality constraints limit the release of more detailed standard statistics.
These datasets are produced only for geographic areas in which the population being counted exceeds a specified threshold. Only the areas in which the population exceeds these thresholds are included in each table. This means that tables do not all contain the same geographic areas, because those exceeding the threshold will vary depending on the population being counted. We advise not to sum figures from the available geographic areas to create figures for higher geographies, since the resulting totals might exclude counts for some of the lower geographies that were below the threshold.
Although the UK censuses historically take place on the same day they are run separately by each National Statistics Office (Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency (NISRA), National Records of Scotland (NRS), and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) for both England and Wales). The ONS is only responsible for the census for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland carry out their own census, their contact details are:
- Tel: 0131 3144299
- Email:
- Website:
- Tel: 02890 255156
- Email:
- Website:
Scotland's last Census was delayed by a year and took place in March 2022.