FOI reference: FOI-2024-1722

You asked

Please may you provide me with an excel sheet providing the Gender differences in commute time and pay from 2002 to 2023 or to the most updated version of the dataset.

Could we have the information presented as it is here: Gender differences in commute time and pay

Could we also have the following information included in the request:

  • Median travel time (minutes) by gender
  • Median travel time (minutes) by gender and age
  • Median travel time (minutes) by gender and age (London and the rest of the country
  • Median gross weekly earnings (£) by gender and age
  • Median gross hourly pay (£) by gender and age
  • Effect of commuting time (minutes) and hourly pay (£) on annual job separation rate by gender
  • Under and over 30 median commuting time (minutes), by gender and travel to work area

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request regarding gender differences in commute time and pay from 2002 to 2023.

Unfortunately, we do not hold an update of the dataset you have referenced.

However, using information collected from the 2021 Census, we have produced the following dataset, which we hope will be of assistance: Census 2021: Labour Market and travel to work

Please note: the Census 2021 took place during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, (a period of unparalleled and rapid change; the national lockdown, associated guidance and furlough measures) will have affected the travel to work topic.