FOI reference: FOI-2024-2418

You asked

Can I please request the following data on economic inactivity in the UK, specifically people aged 16-64?

1) Please share the numbers of economically inactive women who want a job in each of the following categories, broken down by UK local authority area:

  • Looking after family or home
  • Long-term sick
  • Discouraged workers
  • Other

2) Please share the numbers of economically inactive men who want a job in each of the following categories, broken down by UK local authority area:​​​​​​​

  • Looking after family or home
  • Long-term sick
  • Discouraged workers
  • Other

May we have this data for the most recently available time period, plus the data for five years earlier, and ten years earlier?

We said

Thank you for your query regarding ONS statistics on economic inactivity in the UK. 

Data on economic inactivity by reason is available to download on NOMIS.  

To find the economic inactivity data on the NOMIS website:

  • Select Data Sources 

  • Select Annual Population Survey/Labour Force Survey 

  • Select annual population survey 

  • Select Query data 

  • Select Cell

  • Select Cell T07a - Economic inactivity 

  • Select Geography and Date you require

  • Download data in a various formats

The data may not be available in the detail you require. However, you can request further analysis from the Annual Population Survey, by contacting Please note, there may be a charge for this work which would be subject to our charging policy

If you require further information on the above, please contact