FOI Reference: FOI/2022/4065

You asked

In light of reports that people have died from clots after getting covid... I would like to know how many of these people have died from blood clots and heart issues after having the covid vaccine (any number of doses)?

These stats are important and should be widely available so people can make an informed decision on future vaccines.

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

Unfortunately, we do not hold information showing deaths by specific cause and by vaccination status, except for COVID-19. To fulfil this request, we would need to create information involving the data linkage of mortality data to the National Immunisation Management System (NIMS) and Census records. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Public Authorities are not obligated to create information to respond to requests. Therefore, we do not hold the requested information.

Our data is derived from the death certificate, using information received at the point of death registration. We do report deaths attributed to adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccination monthly within our Monthly Mortality Analysis. The latest data available is March 2022.

There are currently 33 deaths registered in England and Wales with the aligning ICD codes for this, 27 of these deaths have ICD10 U12.9 as the underlying cause. However, please note that these are deaths across all age groups since the rollout of the vaccination in December 2020.

You may find the following information useful:

Deaths by vaccination status, England is an analysis of deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status that occurred between 1 January and 31 January 2022 in England.

For further information please contact

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) may be able to provide you with the data you are looking for. They can be contacted using the following email address: