​FOI Reference: FOI/2021/3262

You asked

Under the freedom of information could you tell me number of COVID-19 deaths under the age of 60 with no underlying health issues in the UK up to October 2021?

We said

​Thank you for your request.

We are responsible for the production of mortality data for England and Wales, this is driven by information collected from the death certificate at death registration. National Records Scotland (NRS) and Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) are responsible for statistics pertaining to Scotland and Northern Ireland. They can be contacted at foi@nrscotland.gov.uk and info@nisra.gov.uk respectively

We produce data in broad age groups due to disclosure concerns when we are breaking information down by a number of variables, such as by cause and pre-existing conditions.

For mortality figures where COVID-19 was the sole cause of death, please see: Pre-existing conditions of people whose death was recorded with an underlying cause of COVID-19. This dataset provides a greater insight into the leading pre-existing cause of death groups, for deaths occurring in England and Wales that were due to COVID-19.

This publication will be updated quarterly. COVID-19 deaths involving pre-existing conditions is split by broad age groups between 1-64 and 65+.

Please see below for death registrations for 2020 and 2021 (provisional) that were due to COVID-19 and were recorded without any pre-existing conditions, England, and Wales.

Please see below for death registrations for 2020 and 2021 (provisional) that were due to COVID-19 and were recorded without any pre-existing conditions, England and Wales.

For further information please contact Health.Data@ons.gov.uk.