You asked

Please could you provide me with comparable data on conceptions to girls aged under 16 in England and Wales on the same basis as the attached response but in Table 1 for the years 2014 and 2015 and for table 2 aggregated for 2006 – 2015.

We said

We are unable to provide figures for 2015 conceptions at present - figures for 2015 conceptions are due to be published in February-March 2017.

Conception statistics include all the pregnancies of women usually resident in England and Wales which lead to one of the following outcomes:

  • a maternity at which 1 or more live births or stillbirths occur, which is registered in England and Wales
  • a termination of a pregnancy by abortion under the 1967 Act, which took place in England and Wales

Maternities are compiled using information collected at birth registration and therefore, births need to be registered before they can be used to compile conception statistics. Consequently, conceptions data cannot be processed until births that were conceived on the last applicable day of the quarter/year have had time to be legally registered (within 42 days of the birth). We then require 3 months to quality assure the data and compile conception statistics. Provisional quarterly conception statistics are therefore published - figures up to the end of quarter 3 2015 were published 22 November 2016 at: