You asked
Please provide two flat files (in csv format) by email, with two columns each. In one file I need a complete list of all forenames in the UK as per the last count in the first column, and the number of individuals bearing them in the second column. In the other file I need the analogous but for all surnames.
We said
Thank you for your enquiry.
We are responsible for the provision of statistics in England and Wales. Data for Scotland and Northern Ireland are produced by National Records Scotland and NISRA. They can be contacted at and respectively.
Unfortunately, we would be unable to provide you with the bespoke datasets you have requested. In order to fulfil this request, we would need use a high level of statistical skill and judgement in order to create a bespoke analysis. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Public Authorities are not obligated to create information in order to respond to requests. We therefore consider this to be information not held.
However, you may find the following information useful:
Please see the following publication: Baby names in England and Wales: 2018. This provides the most popular first names for baby boys and girls in 2018 using birth registration data for England and Wales. This data is available from 2011-2018.