You asked

Would you please tell me:

  • The average number of violent crimes a Black person will commit over their lifetime.

  • The average number of violent crimes an Asian person will commit over their lifetime.

  • The average number of violent crimes a White person will commit over their lifetime.

Please use data from 2015-2019. By "Black" I mean Black African, Black Caribbean, and Black Other. By "Asian" I mean Bangladeshi, Indian, Chinese, Pakistani and Asian other. By "White" I mean White British, White Irish, White Gypsy/Traveller, and White Other.

We said

Thank you for your request.

The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) focuses on victims of crime and as a result, the data regarding offenders is limited. The nature of violent crime: appendix tables are the latest data tables (year ending March 2020) for violent crime and include the number of offenders, sex and age of offender, and the relationship to the victim, broken down by whether the incident was alcohol-related (table 7). These tables are available for previous years too. Unfortunately we do not hold data that more closely addresses your request.

For a breakdown by ethnicity, the Home Office or the Ministry of Justice may be able to fulfil the request, they can be contacted at the following; and, respectively.