Ealing (E09000009) is a borough in London.
Areas in and around Ealing
Choose a larger area
Areas in Ealing
- Central Greenford
- Dormers Wells
- Ealing Broadway
- Ealing Common
- East Acton
- Greenford Broadway
- Hanger Hill
- Hanwell Broadway
- Lady Margaret
- North Acton
- North Greenford
- North Hanwell
- Northfield
- Northolt Mandeville
- Northolt West End
- Norwood Green
- Perivale
- Pitshanger
- South Acton
- Southall Broadway
- Southall Green
- Southall West
- Southfield
- Walpole
- Acton Central
- Acton Noel Road and Lynton Road
- Bedford Park
- Bilton Road
- Brent Valley
- Chiswick North West
- Cuckoo Park
- Drayton Green and Cleveland
- Ealing Broadway East
- Ealing Broadway West
- Ealing Common and Twyford Ave
- East Acton
- Elthorne Park
- Greenford North
- Greenford Ravenor Park
- Greenford South
- Greenford West
- Hanger Hill East
- Hanwell
- Horsenden
- Kingshill Avenue
- North Acton
- North Ealing
- Northfields
- Northolt East
- Northolt South
- Northolt West
- Norwood Green North and Windmill Park
- Norwood Green South
- Perivale
- Pitshanger
- South Acton
- South Ealing
- Southall Green East
- Southall Green West
- Southall North
- Southall Park
- Southall West
- St Mary's
- West Ealing
- Whitton Avenue West
Facts and figures for Ealing

Census maps
View Census 2021 data for Ealing on a map.

Changes over time
Read how Ealing has changed since the 2011 Census.

Custom profiles
Build a custom area profile for Ealing using Census 2021 data.

Area profiles
View Census 2021 data tables for Ealing on Nomis, an ONS service (external).

Subnational indicators
Find out how Ealing compares on indicators such as weekly pay and healthy life expectancy.

Mortgage calculator
See how average house prices and changing interest rates affecting monthly mortgage repayments in Ealing.

Census quiz
Take our quiz and test your knowledge of Ealing.

Health index
See how Ealing compares to the rest of England on different health measures.

Income deprivation
Explore income deprivation in Ealing at a neighbourhood level.