Medway (E06000035) is a unitary authority in the South East.
Areas in and around Medway
Choose a larger area
Areas in Medway
- All Saints
- Chatham Central
- Chatham Central and Brompton
- Cuxton and Halling
- Cuxton, Halling and Riverside
- Fort Horsted
- Fort Pitt
- Gillingham North
- Gillingham North
- Gillingham South
- Gillingham South
- Hempstead and Wigmore
- Hempstead and Wigmore
- Hoo St Werburgh and High Halstow
- Lordswood and Walderslade
- Lordswood and Capstone
- Luton
- Luton and Wayfield
- Peninsula
- Princes Park
- Princes Park
- Rainham Central
- Rainham North
- Rainham North
- Rainham South
- Rainham South East
- Rainham South West
- River
- Rochester East
- Rochester East and Warren Wood
- Rochester South and Horsted
- Rochester West
- Rochester West and Borstal
- St Mary's Island
- Strood North
- Strood North and Frindsbury
- Strood Rural
- Strood Rural
- Strood South
- Strood West
- Twydall
- Twydall
- Walderslade
- Watling
- Watling
- Wayfield and Weeds Wood
- Broomhill
- Capstone
- Chatham Central and Rochester Riverside
- Chatham Maritime
- Chatham South East
- Chatham South West
- Cliffe
- Cuxton and Halling
- Gillingham Central
- Gillingham East
- Gillingham North
- Gillingham North East
- Gillingham South
- Gillingham South East
- Hempstead and Wigmore
- Hoo Peninsula
- Hoo St Werburgh and High Halstow
- Horsted
- Lordswood
- Luton
- Parkwood East
- Parkwood West
- Rainham North East
- Rainham North West
- Rainham South East
- Rainham South West
- Rede Common
- Rochester East
- Rochester South East
- Rochester South West
- Rochester West
- Settington
- Strood North and Frindsbury
- Strood South and Temple Marsh
- Twydall
- Wainscott and City Estate
- Walderslade
- Wayfield
Facts and figures for Medway

Census maps
View Census 2021 data for Medway on a map.

Changes over time
Read how Medway has changed since the 2011 Census.

Custom profiles
Build a custom area profile for Medway using Census 2021 data.

Area profiles
View Census 2021 data tables for Medway on Nomis, an ONS service (external).

Subnational indicators
Find out how Medway compares on indicators such as weekly pay and healthy life expectancy.

Mortgage calculator
See how average house prices and changing interest rates affecting monthly mortgage repayments in Medway.

Census quiz
Take our quiz and test your knowledge of Medway.

Health index
See how Medway compares to the rest of England on different health measures.

Income deprivation
Explore income deprivation in Medway at a neighbourhood level.