FOI reference: FOI-2024-1891

You asked

1) Do you use a Social Media Management platform?

2) If so, what tools do you use?

3) What is your annual spend on a Social Media Management tool?

4) What dates does your contract with your current supplier end (month & year)?

5)Do you use a tool for Social Listening and/or a Media Monitoring platform?

6) If so, what tools do you use?

7) What is your annual spend on a tool for Social Listening and/or a Media Monitoring platform?

8) What dates does your contract with your current supplier end (month & year)?

9) Who is the senior person responsible for managing these contracts? 

We said

Thank you for your request. Please see the following answers to your questions.

1) Yes.

2) Hootsuite.

3) £33,600.

4) December 2024.

5) Yes.

6) Pulsar for Social Listening and Onclusive for Media Monitoring.

7) Pulsar: £35,040 and Onclusive: £33,600.

8) Pulsar July 2024 and Onclusive Sept 2024.

9) Responsibility for these contracts is shared between the Digital Publishing and Communications divisions. There is no single person responsible for them.