Releases published to date

25 March 2015: Origin, destination statistics on migration for local authorities in the UK

28 January 2015: Detailed UK migration statistics

2011 censuses internal migration statistics give estimates of people and households who moved to another area within the UK in the year preceding the census.

21 January 2015: United Kingdom submission for United Nations questionnaire on population and housing censuses (part 2)

18 December 2014: United Kingdom submission for United Nations questionnaire on population and housing censuses (part 1)

25 November 2014: Origin, destination statistics on migration for local authorities in the UK

25 July 2014: Origin-destination statistics on migration, workplace and students for local authorities in the United Kingdom

13 June 2014: Key and Quick Statistics for Output Areas in the UK

The tables - 26 Key Statistics and 47 Quick Statistics - combine information previously published separately by the census office responsible for the conduct of the census in each constituent country of the UK. The tables are provided for all output areas in the UK, in a simple csv format suitable for additional processing by users, from the NOMIS website. If you need any help accessing this, please contact Census Customer Services on 01329 444972 or by email

31 March 2014: European Commission Census Regulation Statistics

23 January 2014: Key Statistics and Quick Statistics for local authorities in the United Kingdom - Part 3

4 December 2013: Key Statistics and Quick Statistics for local authorities in the United Kingdom - Part 2

11 October 2013: Key Statistics and Quick Statistics for local authorities in the United Kingdom - Part 1

31 July 2013: 2011 Population estimates by single year of age and sex for Local Authorities in the United Kingdom

21 March 2013: Population estimates by five-year age bands, and household estimates, for local authorities in the United Kingdom

17 December 2012: Population and household estimates for the United Kingdom