Mnemonic: accom_by_dwelling_type
Applicability: Dwelling
Type: Derived variable


Classifies dwellings by their type of accommodation. For example, houses, flats or mobile and temporary structures.


Total number of categories: 9

Code Name
1 Unshared dwelling: Detached whole house or bungalow
2 Unshared dwelling: Semi-detached house or bungalow
3 Unshared dwelling: Terraced
4 Unshared dwelling: In a purpose-built block of flats or tenement
5 Unshared dwelling: Part of a converted or shared house, including bedsits
6 Unshared dwelling: Part of another converted building, for example, former school, church or warehouse
7 Unshared dwelling: In a commercial building, for example, in an office building, hotel or over a shop
8 Unshared dwelling: A caravan or other mobile or temporary structure
9 Shared dwelling

View all accommodation by type of dwelling classifications.


Read about how we developed and tested the questions for Census 2021.

Comparability with the 2011 Census

Broadly comparable

We have added a category called “part of another converted building (for example, former school, church or warehouse)”. This means that there are some changes to the way people who lived in flats answered the question when comparing this variable with the one in the 2011 Census.

What does broadly comparable mean?

A variable that is broadly comparable means that it can be generally compared with the same variable used in the 2011 Census. However, changes may have been made to the question or options that people could choose from or how write-in answers are classified.

England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland comparisons

Not comparable

This variable is not comparable as the data is not available for all countries.

What does not comparable mean?

A variable that is not comparable means that it cannot be compared for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Find out more about variables produced for Census 2021 in Northern Ireland and Census 2022 in Scotland.

Census 2021 data that uses this variable

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