Search results for 2011 census
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Not all census content has been released. Check for upcoming releases in the release calendar. Alternatively, you can create a custom dataset.
CT0428_2001 2011 Census - COB of HRP (born in-outside UK) - Increase in HH - UK
CT0374_ 2011 Census - Accommodation type by tenure by rooms by car or van - Bespoke OA groups
CT0474_2011 Census - Age by country of birth by ethnic group - National to 2011 Census merged local authorities
CT0178_2011 Census - Bespoke household type by car or van availability - National to 2011 Census merged LAs
CT0558_2011 Census - Ethnic group by proficiency in English by sex by age - 2011 Census merged local authorities in England
CT0618_ 2011 Census - Accommodation type by tenure by rooms by cars - LSOA Cheshire
CT0338_ 2011 Census - Sex by age - EW, South East region, LAs in Kent, Medway UA
CT0082 2011 Census: Household type by no of dependent children in household by parents' hours worked - London boroughs
CT0089 2011 Census - household composition (one person household only) by hours worked - London boroughs
CT0802_2011 Census - Age by accommodation type, by tenure, by number of bedrooms - National 2011 Census merged local authorities