Released on: 30 January 2025
This is experimental nominal and market data required by the International Monetary Fund to cover debt securities issued by the UK. These tables have been produced jointly with the Bank of England. The disaggregate series are experimental due to the ongoing programme of work to improve sectoral data sources.
Released on: 27 July 2020
International standards data for debt securities in the UK split by sector of owner and issuer.
Released on: 27 July 2020
International standards data showing a sectorised breakdown of the financial account asset and liability data for the UK.
Released on: 27 July 2020
International standards data on General Government debt split by instrument, residency and currency type.
Released on: 31 October 2024
A list of the data sources used to compile the supply and use tables. This also includes how this data is sourced, the area of National Accounts that use it and the transaction it feeds into.
Released on: 27 July 2020
International standards data showing the assets and liabilities of the UK's other financial corporations.
Released on: 27 July 2020
International standards data looking at the General Government operations and transactions relating to this area.
Released on: 16 March 2020
The instrument maps and data tables aim to give an insight into the mapping process and datasets used to reconcile the historical data for the households and NPISH financial categories AF.6, AF.7 and AF.8 assets and liabilities.
Released on: 16 August 2019
The instrument maps and data tables aim to give an insight into the methods and datasets used to reconcile the loans and equity and investment fund shares or units historical balance sheet data sources for the households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) sectors.
Released on: 28 March 2023
Outward foreign direct investment (FDI) flows, positions and earnings involving UK companies, by geography, component and industry for 1992 to 2021.