
Measuring progress, well-being and beyond GDP in the UK: November 2024
What's in the bulletin?
- The UK’s climate is changing: there were increases between two 30-year periods (1961 to 1990 and 1991 to 2020) in the average UK temperature by 0.8 degrees Celsius, rainfall by 7.3% and sunshine by 5.6%.
- Despite a long-term decline in the abundance of UK priority species from a baseline index of 100.0 in 1970 to 36.6 in 2021, this has remained relatively stable since 2016
- Around 6 in 10 (57%) adults in Great Britain reported climate change and the environment as an important issue for the UK, when asked in October 2024.

Public opinions and social trends, Great Britain: November 2024
What's in the bulletin?
- When asked about the important issues facing the UK today, the most commonly reported issues were the NHS (86%), the cost of living (85%), the economy (68%), crime (60%), climate change and the environment (59%), and housing (57%).
- When asked to what extent people trust the government to use artificial intelligence (AI) to complete some of its tasks; 30% agreed (3% strongly agreed and 27% agreed), 30% neither agreed nor disagreed, and 40% disagreed (12% strongly disagreed and 27% disagreed).
- Men (34% compared with 26% of women) and younger adults (35% among those aged 16 to 29 years and 35% aged 30 to 49 years compared with 25% among those aged 50 to 69 years and 23% aged 70 years and over) were more likely to report they would trust the government to use AI to complete some of its tasks.

UK Measures of National Well-being Dashboard
An overview of well-being in the UK on an individual, community and national level. Considers change across 59 measures of well-being, grouped by 10 topic areas.
Datasets related to Measuring progress, well-being and beyond GDP
UK Measures of National Well-being
The UK’s progress across 10 topic areas of national well-being. Breakdowns by UK country and region, age and sex, including quality information where available.
Estimates of quarterly greenhouse gas emissions
Estimates of greenhouse gas emissions using the Chow-Lin regression-based temporal disaggregation method, quarterly data.
Household satellite account, UK
Biennial data on the output, intermediate consumption and gross value added of home produced services.
Annual personal well-being estimates
Annual estimates of life satisfaction, feeling that the things done in life are worthwhile, happiness and anxiety in the UK, by national, country, regional, county, local and unitary authority level and personal characteristics including analysis on the characteristics that are most likely to impact personal well-being.
Experiences of NHS healthcare services in England
Experiences of local GP services, NHS treatment waiting lists, dentistry and pharmacy services, analysing data from the Health Insight Survey commissioned by NHS England. These are official statistics in development.
Children's well-being measures
The latest data for the measures of children’s well-being, complementing the UK Measures of National Well-being.
Publications related to Measuring progress, well-being and beyond GDP
Statistical bulletins
UK Environmental Accounts: 2024
Measuring the contribution of the environment to the economy, impact of economic activity on the environment, and response to environmental issues.
UK natural capital accounts: 2024
Estimates of the financial and societal value of natural resources to people in the UK.
Personal well-being in the UK: April 2022 to March 2023
Estimates of life satisfaction, worthwhile, happiness, and anxiety, by select geographies including local authority level and individual characteristics and circumstances.
Public opinions and social trends, Great Britain: December 2024
Social insights on daily life and events, including opinions of Big Tech companies, attitudes to important issues and experiences of financial pressures and healthcare, from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN).
Crime in England and Wales: year ending September 2024
Crime against households and people aged 16 years and over, using data from police recorded crime and the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).
Health in England: 2015 to 2021
Insights into England’s health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic at national, regional and local authority level, using the Health Index.
Which skills are employers seeking in your area?
Explore which jobs are advertised the most in your UK local authority area, and how many local residents have the relevant skills to fill them
UK inclusive wealth and income accounts
Estimates and analysis of economic progress, including a broader range of economic activities and assets than gross domestic product (GDP), like unpaid household services, ecosystem services, and more.
Inclusive capital stock, UK
Bringing together estimates of productive capital, natural capital and human capital, this article gives a picture of the UK’s inclusive capital stock for 2019 and 2020.
Overview of human capital estimates in the UK
National estimates of human capital stock in the UK for years between 2004 and 2020. Includes full and employed human capital estimates for each year.
Exploring loneliness in children, Great Britain
Analysis of children's (aged 10 to 15 years) reporting of loneliness and perception of their circumstances from The Children’s Society Household Survey.
Energy efficiency of housing in England and Wales
Insights on the energy efficiency and central heating main fuel type for new and existing homes by property type, tenure, and property age for national and subnational geographies.
Methodology related to Measuring progress, well-being and beyond GDP
Find, compare and visualise statistics about places within the United Kingdom.