
21 October 2019

The terms and conditions for the 2018-based statistics were not initially updated because of a processing error. Since publication on 21 October 2019, they have now been amended to highlight that these statistics are not National Statistics. No changes have been made to the data.

  • Contact:
  • Release date:
    21 October 2019
  • Next release:
    To be announced

About this Dataset

The 50% future EU migration variant projection for the UK - population by five-year age groups and sex. Not National Statistics.

Edition in this dataset

2018 based edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

2016 based edition of this dataset

Important notes and usage information

Since publication, a minor error has been identified in the 2016-based national population projections. This affects international migration outflow assumptions for females in the Northern Ireland EU variants for year ending mid-2017 and year ending mid-2018. This has had a minor impact on the projected population and births figures for Northern Ireland (and the equivalent UK EU projections).

As the differences are negligible we do not plan to correct and republish these data. Users of Northern Ireland and UK EU migration variants should be aware that the international migration assumptions and projected births for years ending mid-2017 and mid-2018, and the projected populations for mid-2017 and mid-2018, should be the same as the principal projection.

Variants affected:

  • Northern Ireland 0% future EU migration variant (ppq)

  • Northern Ireland 50% future EU migration variant (ppr)

  • Northern Ireland 150% future EU migration variant (pps)

  • UK 0% future EU migration variant (ppq)

  • UK 50% future EU migration variant (ppr)

  • UK 150% future EU migration variant (pps)

All 2016-based variant projections classified as National Statistics are unaffected by this error.

Contact details for this dataset

Andrew Nash
+44 (0) 1329 44 4661

Publications that use this data