27 Datasets that are related to Pensions, savings and investments , sorted by release date
Employer contribution bands by size of business and pension type: Table P12
Annual estimates of the proportion of UK employees in employer contribution bands, by size of company and by contracted-out status (prior to 2016) and pension type.Keywords: ashe, scheme, membership, defined benefit, occupational, employer contribution rates
Pension type by size of business and gross weekly earnings bands: Table P4
Annual estimates of the proportion of UK employees in each pension type and contracted-out status (prior to 2016), by size of company and gross weekly earnings bands.Keywords: ashe, occupational, scheme membership, defined benefit, employer contribution rates
Pension type by industry and gross weekly earnings bands: Table P2
Annual estimates of the proportion of UK employees in each pension type and contracted-out status (prior to 2016), by Standard Industrial Classification (including public and private sector breakdown) and gross weekly earnings bands.Keywords: ashe, pccupational, scheme membership, defined benefit, employer contribution rates
Employee contribution bands by age group and pension type: Table P5
Annual estimates of the proportion of UK employees in employee contribution bands, by age group and by contracted-out status (prior to 2016) and pension type.Keywords: ashe, scheme membership, defined benefit, occupational, employer contribution rates
Pension type by occupation and gross weekly earnings bands: Table P3
Annual estimates of the proportion of UK employees in each pension type and contracted-out status (prior to 2016), by Standard Occupational Classification and gross weekly earnings bands.Keywords: ashe, occupational, scheme membership, defined benefit, employer contribution rates
Employer contribution bands by occupation and pension type: Table P11
Annual estimates of the proportion of UK employees in employer contribution bands, by Standard Occupational Classification and by contracted-out status (prior to 2016) and pension type.Keywords: ashe, scheme membership, defined benefit, occupational, employer contribution rates
Employer contribution bands by industry and pension type: Table P10
Annual estimates of the proportion of UK employees in employer contribution bands, by Standard Industrial Classification (including public and private sector breakdown) and by contracted-out status (prior to 2016) and pension type.Keywords: ashe, scheme membership, defined benefit, occupational, employer contribution rates
Pension type by age group and gross weekly earnings bands: Table P1
Annual estimates of the proportion of UK employees in each pension type and contracted-out status (prior to 2016), by age group and gross weekly earnings bands.Keywords: ashe, occupational, scheme membership, defined benefit, employer contribution rates
Employee contribution bands by industry and pension type: Table P6
Annual estimates of the proportion of UK employees in employee contribution bands, by Standard Industrial Classification (including public and private sector breakdown) and by contracted-out status (prior to 2016) and pension type.Keywords: ashe, scheme membership, defined benefit, occupational, employer contribution rates
Employee contribution bands by size of business and pension type: Table P8
Annual estimates of the proportion of UK employees in employee contribution bands, by size of company and by contracted-out status (prior to 2016) and pension type.Keywords: ashe, scheme membership, defined benefit, occupational, employer contribution rates