Methodology related to crime and justice

  • Crime in England and Wales QMI

    Methodology | Released on 1 March 2024

    Quality and Methodology Information for crime levels and trends in England and Wales, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.

    Keywords: Police, CSEW, Methodology, data, crime, measuring crime figures, crime survey, , police recorded crime, offences, police recorded crime

  • Crime and justice methodology

    Methodology | Released on 28 February 2024

    Links to guidance, methodology and information documents for crime statistics in England and Wales.
  • Measuring drug-related homicide methodology: February 2024

    Methodology | Released on 8 February 2024

    How Goldstein’s tripartite framework has been applied to drug-related homicides, using Home Office Homicide Index data.

    Keywords: victim, suspect, psychopharmacological, systemic, economic compulsive

  • Domestic abuse QMI

    Methodology | Released on 24 November 2023

    Quality and Methodology Information for domestic abuse detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used and data uses and users.

    Keywords: data, comparisons, information, characteristics, accuracy

  • User guide to crime statistics for England and Wales: March 2023

    Methodology | Released on 20 July 2023

    Crime levels and trends in England and Wales, with detailed information on the datasets used to compile crime statistics.

    Keywords: offences, police, criminal activity, victims, personal experience

  • Guide to finding crime statistics

    Methodology | Released on 20 July 2023

    Crime statistics are produced by multiple departments across government. The aim of this guide is to collate the main sources of crime statistics, broken down by potential areas of interest, to provide a more efficient way to find the crime statistics needed.

    Keywords: Crime Survey for England and Wales, justice, police recorded crime, TCSEW

  • Improving crime statistics for England and Wales – progress update July 2023

    Methodology | Released on 20 July 2023

    Latest update on the progress being made to improve crime statistics for England and Wales.

    Keywords: police, criminal activity, victims, offences, CSEW

  • Transformation of the Crime Survey for England and Wales - Discovery research on the redesign of multi-mode questions

    Methodology | Released on 4 May 2023

    Discovery phase research into the feasibility of a multi-mode design for the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).

    Keywords: online, victimisation, incidence, time-series, data

  • Developing a new measure of domestic abuse: April 2023

    Methodology | Released on 5 April 2023

    An overview of the redevelopment of questions to measure domestic abuse in the Crime Survey for England and Wales.

    Keywords: violence, coercive control, survey, review

  • User guide to crime statistics for England and Wales: measuring crime during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

    Methodology | Released on 15 February 2023

    Quarterly statistics on crime levels and trends during the coronavirus pandemic. Includes details of the datasets used to compile our crime statistics.

    Keywords: police, criminal activity, victims, offences, personal experience