02015 320GERD 9 4 1 1 4 4 212 4 8 1 1IDENTIFIER 1 2PERIODICITY 1 3SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT 1 4PRICES BASE YEAR 1 5INDEX BASE YEAR 1 6INDEX BASE MONTH 1 7STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION 1 8PUBLICATION 1 9TABLE NUMBER 92DMRJAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD : R&D funded by research councils - Performed by government 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 11 11 20 6 6 6 7 97 7 6 3 2 2 29 30 97 33 46 47 68 60 92DMRKAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD : R&D funded by Higher Education Funding Councils -Performed by government 96AI1994 12015 316 20 710 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 92DMRLAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD :R&D Funded by government - Performed by research councils 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 83 77 78 76 78 102 148 97 150 127 120 102 98 98 86 97 79 94 84 95 77 92DMRMAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD :R&D Funded by research councils - Performed by research councils 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 398 391 405 398 422 411 389 97 413 539 630 778 788 782 770 97 811 868 818 578 600 92DMRNAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD :Funded by Higher Education Funding Councils Performed by research councils 96AI1994 12015 316 20 710 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 92DMROAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD :R&D Funded by higher education - Performed by research councils 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 3 3 3 6 6 8 9 97 10 10 10 16 20 16 21 97 13 17 11 11 13 92DMRPAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD : R&D Funded by business enterprises - Performed by research councils 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 36 35 37 38 48 35 37 97 36 37 37 35 31 31 32 97 38 29 24 26 25 92DMRQAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD : R&D Funded by Private non profit - Performed by research councils 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 28 29 28 35 32 51 53 97 61 64 78 57 60 57 76 97 96 74 47 44 48 92DMRRAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD :R&D Funded by Overseas - Performed by Research Councils 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 33 40 38 39 36 40 39 97 44 48 54 63 64 50 57 97 60 57 51 49 51 92DMRSAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93GERD : Total R&D performed by research councils 96AI1985 12015 316 29 710 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 581 575 590 591 97 622 647 674 713 825 930 1051 97 1061 1034 1041 1097 1141 1035 804 97 813 92DMSCAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93GERD : Total civil R&D performed by research councils 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 574 97 570 582 585 618 643 669 708 97 819 923 1046 1057 1034 1041 1097 97 1141 1035 804 813 92DMSMAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93GERD : Total defence R&D performed by research councils 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 97 5 8 7 5 4 5 6 97 6 7 4 4 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 92DMSNAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD: R&D Funded by Research councils - Performed by Higher education 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 651 671 691 697 743 860 1051 97 1226 1333 1354 1674 1787 1667 1863 97 1940 1948 1963 1917 2121 92DMSOAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD:Funded by Higher Education Funding Councils - Performed by higher education 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 1018 1027 1033 1085 1157 1276 1474 97 1626 1665 1804 1928 2085 2234 2227 97 2395 2303 2257 2185 2297 92DMSPAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD:R&D Funded by research councils - Performed by business enterprise 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 8 9 8 6 5 3 11 97 8 8 9 10 7 3 2 97 5 3 11 2 3 92DMSQAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD: R&D Funded by research councils - Performed by Private non profit 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 9 29 32 33 37 37 55 97 58 61 88 109 126 61 100 97 120 93 102 100 115 92DMSRAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93GERD: R&D Total Funding Research Councils 96AI1985 12015 316 29 710 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 1078 1112 1156 1139 97 1211 1317 1512 1713 1947 2084 2574 97 2709 2543 2765 2908 2958 2942 2665 97 2899 92DMSSAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93GERD: R&D Total funding - Higher Education Funding Councils 96AI1985 12015 316 29 710 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 1018 1027 1033 1085 97 1157 1276 1474 1626 1665 1804 1928 97 2085 2234 2227 2395 2303 2257 2185 97 2297 92DMSTAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 3 93GERD:R&D Funded by research councils - Performed Overseas 96AI1995 12015 316 19 710 0 97 134 139 119 128 109 122 122 97 149 204 220 244 221 244 303 97 331 338 189 207 200 92DMSXAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93GERD: R&D total funding -civil-research councils 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 1078 97 1092 1156 1139 1211 1317 1512 1713 97 1947 2084 2574 2709 2543 2765 2908 97 2958 2941 2665 2899 92DMSYAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93GERD: R&D total funded - civil - Higher Education Funding Council 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 1018 97 1027 1033 1085 1157 1276 1474 1626 97 1665 1804 1928 2085 2234 2227 2395 97 2303 2257 2185 2297 92DMSZAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93GERD: R&D total funded - defence - Higher Education Funding Council 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 92GLBAAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93Gross Expenditure on R&D (GERD): Total 96AI1981 12015 316 33 710 0 97 6021 6664 7842 8477 9045 97 9830 10904 11800 12027 12365 13189 13684 97 14034 14447 14687 15503 16978 17736 18547 97 19243 19727 20242 22106 22993 24696 25345 97 25632 26173 27452 26988 28875 92GLBBAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93Gross Expenditure on R&D (GERD): civil - Total 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 8298 9170 9672 10299 11107 11557 11901 97 12237 12494 13174 14476 15106 16424 17272 97 17603 17802 19255 20416 21963 22945 23424 97 24255 25471 25197 26959 92GLBCAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93Gross Expenditure on R&D (GERD): Defence - Total 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 2607 2630 2355 2066 2082 2127 2133 97 2210 2194 2329 2502 2630 2123 1971 97 2124 2440 2851 2577 2732 2399 2208 97 1918 1980 1790 1916 92GLBKAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93Total GERD by sector of Performance: Government 96AI1981 12015 316 33 710 0 97 1243 0 1357 0 1457 1212 1264 97 1360 1603 1638 1946 1846 1928 2051 97 1462 1553 1403 1471 1464 1593 1160 97 1053 1243 1240 1238 1252 1320 1348 97 1406 1372 1321 1332 1467 92GLBLAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93Total GERD by sector of Performance: Business 96AI1981 12015 316 33 710 0 97 3792 0 4163 0 5005 5804 6159 97 6717 7416 8054 7842 8167 8717 8842 97 9116 9297 9556 10133 11302 11510 12239 97 12484 12505 12662 13734 14144 15676 15814 97 15532 16045 17452 17144 18448 92GLBMAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93Total GERD by sector of Performance: Higher Education 96AI1981 12015 316 33 710 0 97 816 0 950 0 1170 1288 1460 97 1575 1689 1873 2020 2129 2312 2623 97 2696 2792 2893 3040 3324 3691 4149 97 4618 4785 5004 5580 6022 6119 6545 97 6931 6963 7117 7163 7628 92GLBNAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93Total GERD by sector of Performance: Private non profit 96AI1981 12015 316 33 710 0 97 170 0 194 0 210 172 162 97 179 197 235 220 223 232 168 97 177 230 245 268 266 296 325 97 374 369 406 502 513 546 595 97 666 652 526 545 518 92GLBOAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93Civil GERD by sector of Performance: Government 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 743 808 1087 1214 1251 1403 789 97 768 722 742 704 699 746 771 97 869 889 882 895 1042 1087 1119 97 1146 1164 1182 1303 92GLBPAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93Civil GERD by sector of Performance: Business 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 5700 6306 6390 6785 7376 7422 7725 97 7937 8112 8600 9626 9838 10580 10839 97 10800 10623 11288 11975 13269 13718 13648 97 14392 15667 15539 16734 92GLBQAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93Civil GERD by sector of Performance: Higher education 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 1664 1833 1983 2084 2259 2573 2635 97 2732 2832 2980 3262 3630 4104 4581 97 4746 4960 5538 5976 6080 6505 6894 97 6925 7082 7129 7592 92GLBRAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93Civil GERD by sector of Performance: Private non profit 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 190 223 212 216 221 159 177 97 230 245 268 266 296 325 374 97 369 406 502 513 539 595 666 97 651 524 543 516 92GLBSAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93Defence GERD by sector of Performance: Government 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 859 830 858 632 677 648 673 97 785 681 729 759 894 414 283 97 374 351 357 357 279 262 288 97 226 158 150 164 92GLBTAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93Defence GERD by sector of Performance: Business 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 1715 1748 1452 1382 1342 1420 1391 97 1360 1443 1533 1675 1671 1659 1645 97 1706 2039 2446 2169 2407 2097 1884 97 1653 1785 1604 1713 92GLBUAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93Defence GERD by sector of Performance: Higher education 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 25 40 37 45 53 50 61 97 60 61 60 62 61 45 37 97 38 44 43 46 39 40 36 97 38 35 34 37 92GLBVAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93Defence GERD by sector of Performance: Private non profit 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 7 12 8 7 11 9 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 97 1 2 2 2 92GLCAAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93Total GERD by sector of Funding: Government 96AI1981 12015 316 33 710 0 97 2980 0 3299 0 3255 3357 3453 97 3458 3894 4091 4206 4115 4237 4479 97 2514 2542 2403 2606 2722 2779 2299 97 2215 2650 2778 2584 2531 2581 2703 97 2939 3044 3022 2842 3214 92GLCBAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93Total GERD by sector of Funding: Business 96AI1981 12015 316 33 710 0 97 2469 0 2766 0 3644 4045 4460 97 5115 5530 5885 5939 6325 6815 6886 97 6765 6784 7275 7331 8137 8559 8499 97 8384 8287 8914 9580 10377 11519 11511 97 11362 11443 12413 12330 13343 92GLCCAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93Total GERD by sector of Funding: Higher education 96AI1981 12015 316 33 710 0 97 31 0 33 0 51 55 66 97 78 82 86 92 99 103 116 97 119 121 123 130 143 160 184 97 208 218 229 266 288 284 303 97 314 315 353 342 368 92GLCDAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93Total GERD by sector of Funding: Private non profit 96AI1981 12015 316 33 710 0 97 104 0 109 0 256 234 246 97 267 285 339 371 418 477 514 97 511 545 578 621 701 815 889 97 962 931 961 1022 1076 1153 1247 97 1279 1267 1293 1296 1362 92GLCEAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93Total GERD by sector of Funding: Overseas 96AI1981 12015 316 33 710 0 97 436 0 458 0 636 786 820 97 912 1113 1398 1419 1407 1558 1689 97 2029 2316 2119 2590 2908 2830 3691 97 4135 4029 3472 4152 3927 4382 4589 97 4436 4842 5172 5327 5393 92GLCFAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93Civil GERD by sector of Funding: Government 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 2107 2356 2713 2845 2899 3182 1128 97 1043 983 1090 1114 1099 1090 1258 97 1507 1301 1299 1281 1421 1577 1690 97 1838 1758 1644 1933 92GLCGAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93Civil GERD by sector of Funding: Business 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 5025 5399 5450 5837 6389 6416 6374 97 6381 6832 6908 7728 8084 8033 7926 97 7879 8476 8963 9646 10603 10775 10659 97 10945 11900 11908 12879 92GLCHAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93Civil GERD by sector of Funding: Higher education 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 82 86 92 99 103 116 119 97 120 123 130 142 160 184 208 97 218 229 266 288 284 303 314 97 315 353 342 368 92GLCIAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93Civil GERD by sector of Funding: Private non profit 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 275 337 369 416 471 512 511 97 545 578 621 701 815 889 962 97 931 961 1022 1076 1153 1247 1279 97 1267 1267 1291 1356 92GLCJAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93Civil GERD by sector of Funding: Overseas 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 807 993 1049 1101 1245 1332 1673 97 2008 1789 2199 2423 2355 3244 3578 97 3456 2948 3203 3331 3726 4054 4180 97 4628 4995 5163 5228 92GLCKAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93Defence GERD by sector of Funding: Government 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 1786 1735 1493 1271 1337 1297 1386 97 1499 1420 1516 1607 1680 1208 956 97 1143 1477 1285 1250 1160 1126 1249 97 1206 1263 1199 1281 92GLCLAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93Defence GERD by sector of Funding: Business 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 505 487 489 488 425 471 391 97 402 443 423 409 475 467 458 97 407 439 616 730 916 737 703 97 498 513 422 464 92GLCMAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93Defence GERD by sector of Funding: Higher Education 96AI1988 12015 316 26 710 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 92GLCNAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93Defence GERD by sector of Funding: Private non profit 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 9 2 3 2 6 2 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 26 5 6 92GLCOAU 0 0 0 GERD5 1 0 0 1 4 93Defence GERD by sector of Funding: Overseas 96AI1989 12015 316 25 710 0 97 306 405 370 306 314 358 356 97 308 330 390 485 475 447 556 97 574 524 949 597 657 536 256 97 214 177 163 165 92GLCUAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Government Performed by Government 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 1568 1633 1742 1306 1423 1204 1201 97 1194 1355 937 871 1064 1053 1023 97 1034 1031 1080 1043 1019 969 916 97 1050 92GLCVAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Government - Performed by Higher Education 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 1493 1602 1801 161 157 161 177 97 258 266 237 252 226 242 265 97 274 234 276 327 357 410 399 97 380 92GLCWAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Government - Performed by Business 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 1021 966 910 946 833 907 1089 97 1152 1011 935 873 1157 1280 1091 97 1053 1069 1133 1320 1403 1502 1378 97 1646 92GLCXAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Government - Performed by Private non profit 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 33 36 26 18 51 52 63 97 39 46 42 69 76 82 104 97 71 149 128 170 170 56 54 97 61 92GLCYAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Government - Performed Overseas 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 375 353 304 165 171 236 141 97 167 187 169 178 371 428 365 97 310 461 643 586 338 531 481 97 547 92GLCZAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Higher Education - Performed by Government 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 97 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 97 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 97 1 92GLDAAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Higher Education - Performed by Higher Education 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 97 100 112 114 116 118 122 97 135 150 172 194 201 212 241 97 259 258 273 291 288 289 281 97 300 92GLDBAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93R&D Funded by Higher Education - Performed by Business 96AI1979 12015 316 35 710 0 97 0 0 97 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92GLDCAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Higher Education - Performed by Private non profit 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 97 2 2 2 2 6 6 8 97 8 8 9 9 9 51 49 97 54 92GLDDAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Business - Performed by Government 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 194 214 196 105 96 158 234 97 231 198 191 147 143 158 191 97 179 181 155 244 215 203 247 97 239 92GLDEAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Business - Performed by Higher Education 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 165 176 157 170 188 205 221 97 242 259 250 257 247 243 256 97 289 296 312 279 294 284 292 97 313 92GLDFAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Business - Performed by Business 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 5926 6383 6503 6422 6432 6840 6800 97 7574 8023 7978 7900 7790 8407 9046 97 9820 10953 10951 10746 10847 11878 11739 97 12750 92GLDGAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Business - Performed by Private non profit 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 41 42 31 32 32 35 38 97 42 44 43 44 70 69 51 97 57 58 62 55 58 25 26 97 16 92GLDHAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Private non profit - Performed by Government 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 47 39 47 5 7 6 11 97 15 17 11 11 14 11 5 97 5 5 6 7 6 3 4 97 5 92GLDIAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Private non profit - Performed by Higher Education 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 246 283 354 376 406 437 463 97 525 598 660 714 747 761 783 97 825 880 947 958 968 987 1022 97 1051 92GLDJAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 5 93R&D Funded by Private non profit - Performed by Business 96AI1979 12015 316 35 710 0 97 0 0 97 0 97 26 19 3 5 1 0 1 97 3 4 4 3 6 2 2 97 15 7 4 3 77 42 74 92GLDKAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded by Private non profit Performed by Private non 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 125 130 94 99 99 107 113 97 128 146 161 174 103 105 175 97 184 196 211 214 216 178 185 97 185 92GLDLAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded from Overseas Performed by Government 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 37 42 64 35 15 14 18 97 17 16 13 17 15 15 16 97 32 74 77 79 85 97 96 97 112 92GLDMAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded from Overseas - Performed by Higher Education 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 129 151 199 206 226 248 275 97 265 282 304 348 365 388 431 97 503 549 648 741 805 926 1068 97 1167 92GLDNAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded from Overseas - Performed by Business 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 1220 1343 1410 1738 2018 1800 2238 97 2570 2470 3311 3699 3548 2958 3584 97 3262 3636 3721 3458 3789 3984 3983 97 3975 92GLDOAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 4 93R&D Funded from Overseas - Performed by Private non profit 96AI1992 12015 316 22 710 0 97 21 22 16 17 17 19 21 97 20 21 23 26 53 57 57 97 67 73 86 98 107 114 132 97 87 92LLAAAU 0 0 0 GERD1 1 0 0 1 2 93GERD:R&D Funded by Busniess - Performed Overseas 96AI2000 12015 316 14 710 0 97 719 867 1256 1286 1424 1780 1769 97 1890 2347 2307 2429 1972 2135 3305