4 Articles that are related to Workplace disputes and working conditions , sorted by release date
The impact of strikes in the UK: June 2022 to February 2023 (Latest release)
A range of sources exploring the impact of strikes in the context of the wider economic and social landscape.Keywords: Industrial action, trade unions, rail strikes
Labour disputes, UK: July 2022 update and future work (Latest release)
Progress to date on labour disputes statistics, analysis of UK labour disputes in June and July 2022, and our plans for future publication.Keywords: labourdisputes, strikes, labourmarket, industrialaction
Labour disputes in the UK: 2018 (Latest release)
Analysis of the three main measures of labour disputes; working days lost, stoppages and workers by industry, region, cause, size and duration.Keywords: strikes, stoppages, industrial action, working days lost
Five facts about... strikes (Latest release)
Keywords: Business, industry and trade, Employment and labour market, Five facts about, Strikes