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  • Public service productivity, quarterly

    Reference tables for experimental statistics on UK public service productivity. Includes estimates of inputs, output, productivity, and revisions compared to estimates from the previous quarter.

  • Quality adjusted labour input, descriptive statistics

    Relative hourly remuneration and shares of hours worked by industry, education, age and sex categories. Experimental estimates.

  • Quality adjusted labour input, summary data

    Quality-adjusted labour input (QALI) aggregates by industry, education, age and sex categories, presented in log changes. Experimental estimates.

  • Quality-adjusted labour input, underlying data

    Underlying data on hours worked, jobs and income weights for the 360 worker types used in quality-adjusted labour input (QALI). Experimental estimates.

  • Quarterly UK productivity hours and jobs for the International Territorial Level 1 (ITL1) geographies. Seasonally adjusted and non-seasonally adjusted experimental statistics, UK.

  • Unit labour costs

    Unit labour costs (ULCs) reflect the full labour costs incurred in the production of a unit of economic output, including social security and employers’ pension contributions.

  • Revisions triangles for unit labour costs and unit wage costs.

  • Unit labour costs: revisions triangle

    Revisions triangles for unit labour costs, unit wage costs and unit wage costs in manufacturing.