All data related to Employees in the UK by industry: 2019
The Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) is the official source of employee and employment estimates by detailed geography and industry. Figures are presented mainly for Sections as defined by the Standard Industiral Classification 2007, although some detail for Divisions is also included.
Annual employee and employment estimates for Great Britain and UK split by broad industry group Standard Industrial Classification: SIC 2007. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.
Annual employee and employment estimates for Great Britain and UK split by two, three and five-digit Standard Industrial Classification: SIC 2007. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.
Annual employee and employment estimates for the UK split by local authority county. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.
Annual employee and employment estimates for the UK split by local authority district. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.
Annual employee and employment estimates for the UK split by region and broad industry group Standard Industrial Classification: SIC 2007. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.
Annual employee and employment estimates for Great Britain and UK split by region. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or private splits.