Chapter 01 Tables: Summary of Balance of Payments (1.1 MB, xls)
A summary of balance of payments accounts, international investment position, financial account and investment income and statistics for the current account.
Chapter 02 Tables: Trade in goods (1.1 MB, xls)
Detailed statistics on trade in goods including summary, volume indices, price indices and adjustments on a balance of payments basis.
Chapter 03 Tables: Trade in services (1.2 MB, xls)
Detailed statistics on trade in services including transport, travel, insurance and pensions, financial, telecommunication and computer, cultural and recreational, and government.
Chapter 04 Tables: Primary income (1.2 MB, xls)
Detailed statistics on primary income including direct investment, portfolio investment, other investment and sector analysis.
Chapter 05 Tables: Secondary income (1.1 MB, xls)
Detailed statistics on secondary income.
Chapter 06 Tables: Capital account (1.1 MB, xls)
Detailed statistics on the capital account.
Chapter 07 Tables: Financial account (1.2 MB, xls)
Detailed statistics on the financial account including direct, portfolio and other investment summaries and sector analysis, reserve assets for central government and financial derivatives.
Chapter 08 Tables: International investment position (1.3 MB, xls)
Detailed statistics on the international investment position including direct, portfolio and other investment balance sheets and sector analysis, reserve assets for central government and financial derivatives.
Chapter 09 Tables: Geographical breakdown of the current account (1.5 MB, xls)
Detailed statistics on the geographical breakdown of the current account including trade in goods and services, primary and secondary income and transactions with Europe and the USA.
Chapter 10 Tables: Geographical breakdown of the UK international investment position (1.2 MB, xls)
Detailed statistics on the geographical breakdown of the UK international investment position including by type of investment, by assets and liabilities and net.
Related data
UK Balance of Payments – The Pink Book time series
Annual time series data for the UK Balance of Payments.
Contact details for these datasets
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