All data related to Public sector finances, UK: July 2024
How the relationship between UK public sector monthly income and expenditure leads to changes in deficit and debt.
A breakdown of UK public sector income by latest month, financial year-to-date and full financial year, with comparisons with the same period in the previous financial year.
Presents a breakdown of records for borrowing, receipts and expenditure, on a monthly, yearly change, yearly rate, year-to-date and financial year basis.
Public sector finances analytical tables (PSAT) showing transactions related to borrowing by sub-sector. Total Managed Expenditure (TME) is also provided.
Revisions analysis for central government receipts, expenditure, net borrowing and net cash requirement statistics for the UK over the last five years.
Revisions analysis for UK public sector statistics. Records monthly borrowing data from first and subsequent publications, illustrating bias to early estimates.
The latest public sector net borrowing by sub-sector and a summary of central government receipts and expenditure data.
The data underlying the public sector finances statistical bulletin are presented in the tables PSA 1 to 10.
Time series data for public sector finances and important fiscal aggregates, based on the new European System of Accounts 2010: ESA10 framework.
Public Sector Financial data showing net cash requirement and debt components by sub-sector (central government, local government and public corporations).
Presents the balance sheet for the public sector, consistent with the 2010 European system of national and regional accounts (ESA 2010) and Manual on Government Deficit and Debt (MGDD).