Published data related to output

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  • Index of Production time series

    Movements in the volume of production for the UK production industries: manufacturing, mining and quarrying, energy supply, and water and waste management. Figures are seasonally adjusted.

  • Output of the production industries

    Index values and growth rates for production, manufacturing and the main industrial groupings in the UK.

  • Index of Production and industry sectors to four decimal places

    Monthly index values for production and the main Index of Production sectors in the UK to four decimal places.

  • Monthly Business Survey turnover in production industries

    Monthly Business Survey production industries' total turnover, domestic sales and exports in the UK. Figures are in current price and are non-seasonally adjusted.

  • Monthly Business Survey (production) response rates

    Monthly response rates for the UK Monthly Business Survey (production) by turnover and questionnaire.

  • Index of Services time series

    Monthly movements in output for the services industries: distribution, hotels and restaurants; transport, storage and communication; business services and finance; and government and other services.

  • Monthly GDP low level industry data

    Monthly chained volume measures of gross value added (GVA) by industry.

  • Industry-to-industry payment flows, UK, experimental data

    The 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) level datasets published alongside the UK industry-to-industry payment flows, 2017 to 2024: experimental data article can be accessed on this page. The 5-digit SIC level dataset can be accessed on Nomis via the link at the bottom of this page in the 'Important notes and usage information' section.

  • UK credit and debit card payments

    Weekly and monthly UK credit and debit card payments for a sample of relevant merchants from the Bank of England. These are official statistics in development. Source: Bank of England and ONS calculations.

  • Investment in intangible assets in the UK

    Estimates of investment, both purchased and own-account production, of intangible assets, annual data. These are official statistics in development.