718 Datasets that are related to Economy , sorted by release date
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Renter affordability for new tenancies
Monthly data showing the proportion of gross income spent on rent for new tenancies across the UK, from Dataloft Rental Market Analytics (DRMA). These are official statistics in development. Source: Dataloft. Dataloft is a PriceHubble company.Keywords: rent, affordability, housing, regions, realtimeindicators
Current and historical Monthly Business Survey (services) response rates
Monthly comparison of response rates for the Monthly Business Survey (services) by turnover and questionnaire, UK.Keywords: national accounts, economic growth, IoS, gross domestic product output approach, GDP(O)
Export proportions for manufacturing industries
Monthly, quarterly and annual export data for the manufacturing industries, collected by the Monthly Business Survey at industry level in the UK.Keywords: IoP, production, products, business, economy
Index of Services revisions triangles
Monthly chained volume indices in gross value added for services and its main components.Keywords: national accounts, economic growth, IoS, gross domestic product output approach, GDP(O)
Monthly Business Survey turnover in production industries
Monthly Business Survey production industries' total turnover, domestic sales and exports in the UK. Figures are in current price and are non-seasonally adjusted.Keywords: TOPSI, IOP, turnover, manufacturing, exports
Output per worker, UK
Estimates for gross value added (GVA), workers, and output per worker. Contains annual and quarterly statistics.Keywords: measurement, efficiency, factor, productivity, output per hour
GDP first quarterly estimate time series
A detailed breakdown of the components of GDP.Keywords: industry sector, uk economic activity, national accounts, uk economy, GVA
Consumer-facing services
Monthly gross value added chained volume indices of the service sector, consumer-facing services, non-consumer-facing services and all industries classified as consumer-facing, UK.Keywords: index of services, retail, food, beverage, accommodation
Total business investment and general government data excluding British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL)
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) data for total business investment and general government, excluding British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL).Keywords: GFCF, buildings, transport equipment, machinery, intellectual property
Business investment – revisions triangles
Summary of revisions to levels and growth rates of business investment, by quarter, chained volume measures, seasonally adjusted, UK.Keywords: GFCF, buildings, transport equipment, machinery, intellectual property