All methodology

  • Mortality statistics in England and Wales QMI

    Methodology | Released on 29 December 2023

    Quality and methodology information for mortality statistics in England and Wales, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.

    Keywords: mortality, rates, age-standardised, Series DR, death registrations

  • Retail Sales Index (RSI) QMI

    Methodology | Released on 15 December 2023

    Quality and Methodology Information (QMI) report for retail sales output in Great Britain, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.

    Keywords: internet sales, MBS-RSI, Monthly Business Survey, MBS, high street

  • Consumer Price Inflation (includes all 3 indices – CPIH, CPI and RPI) QMI

    Methodology | Released on 14 December 2023

  • Quarterly sector accounts QMI

    Methodology | Released on 12 December 2023

    Keywords: RHDI, United Kingdom Economic Accounts, Real Household Disposable Income, Sector Accounts, UKEA

  • Regional gross fixed capital formation QMI

    Methodology | Released on 8 December 2023

    Quality and methodology information for regional gross fixed capital formation, with strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.

    Keywords: investment, capital, regional, gfcf

  • Industry-to-industry monthly payments, UK QMI

    Methodology | Released on 6 December 2023

    Quality and Methodology Information for UK industry-to-industry monthly payments, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, and the methods used.

    Keywords: Industy, Payments, Direct, Debits, Bacs

  • Unexplained deaths in infancy: England and Wales QMI

    Methodology | Released on 29 November 2023

    Quality and Methodology Information for Unexplained deaths in infancy: England and Wales, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used and data uses and users.

    Keywords: cot death, unascertained deaths, sudden infant deaths, , SUDI, SIDS

  • Domestic abuse QMI

    Methodology | Released on 24 November 2023

    Quality and Methodology Information for domestic abuse detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used and data uses and users.

    Keywords: data, comparisons, information, characteristics, accuracy

  • Quality and methodology information (QMI) for Census 2021

    Methodology | Released on 23 November 2023

    Details the strengths, limitations, uses, users and methods used for Census 2021, England and Wales.

    Keywords: population, data collection, , data collection, response rate, quality assurance, accuracy

  • Business demography QMI

    Methodology | Released on 22 November 2023

    Quality and methodology information for UK business demography, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.

    Keywords: business births, business deaths, activities, survivals, employer, region